
Psilocybin for Depression

Psilocybin is a psychedelic substance that can be found in magic mushrooms. As a rule, psilocybin gives you a feeling of euphoria. It helps you to relax. There is the theory that Psilocybin can treat mental health conditions. That is why you can use psilocybin for depression. More information about this substance and how it helps people with “bad thoughts” in this article.

How to use psilocybin for depression

So, how can psilocybin help with depression? Psychotherapists use them during sessions. Psilocybin is a good remedy for anxiety. That is why doctors use this substance for people with excessive anxiety. Small doses of psilocybin can make a person happier. This is due to a state of euphoria. 

However, we should not forget that psychotherapy is the main element in psilocybin depression treatment. So, how does it work? Psychotherapists give psilocybin to patients. It’ll help them to relax and calm down. Then the doctor can talk about the situation of the patient’s life. It must be a good experience. It helps patients to live out positive emotions. That helps them find the reason to be happy.

What kind of psilocybin is best for depression and anxiety

Psilocybin can be found in magic mushrooms. There are several types of magic mushrooms. However, you should be careful because not each of them contains psilocybin. Also, there is recent research about using psilocybin to treat depression. It tells about the use of magic truffles which also contain psilocybin. It is the best way to use this substance. 

There is another way to treat depression – ketamine-like drugs. It is a kind of new antidepressant. However, it can be addictive in patients. This forces people to abuse ketamine. That is why scientists have begun to study psilocybin treatment for depression. Research has shown that this substance is safer. It is not addictive if you control the dose. Another advantage of psilocybin is the long-lasting effect. Patients do not feel anxious for 4 weeks. In its turn, this accelerates the effect of psychotherapy.

How to microdose psilocybin for depression

 So, now we know that psilocybin helps with depression. But we don’t know how to use it. First of all, we can’t use a big dose for treatment. We use microdosing. Let’s talk about this method. So, people can get a small dose of psilocybin. It helps them overcome anxiety, but they don’t feel a full “trip”. That is why you should use a small dose of psilocybin. It is about 0.1g. This dose is enough to make a person feel happy. It is the first step out of depression. It raises the question: how can psilocybin help with depression if it causes a feeling of euphoria.

On the contrary, it will make a person think more about an unhappy life. So, how can we talk about psilocybin and depression at the same time? Patients say that they don’t feel unreal life using microdosing. They feel every moment of the day. It helped them to control their emotions. That is the reason why psychotherapists use microdosing psilocybin for depression.